This month in science:Eminent biologist Carol Greider, Class of 2020, remote instruction, COVID-19 testing and podcasts, the universe’s missing matter, NAS elects Francis Nimmo, job opportunities, and more...
We are excited to welcome eminent biologist and Nobel Prize laureate Carol Greider to our Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology faculty at UC Santa Cruz! Carol is known for her pioneering work on telomeres and will establish a new lab on campus to continue her research program, including maintaining genome stability and preventing cancer.
#1. KAZU Radio interviews Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry Michael Stone about the capabilities of our new Molecular Diagnostic Lab for COVID-19 testing in Santa Cruz County.Listen ❯
#2. KCBS Radio interviews Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Marm Kilpatrick about how COVID-19 spreads and the latest science.Listen ❯
#3. Guy Kawasaki interviews professors Jeremy Sanford, Rebecca Dubois, and David Haussler about COVID-19 diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments.Listen ❯
Support COVID-19 research and testing for the virus at UC Santa Cruz. Our faculty and researchers have implemented a testing process that identifies active cases in a newly created Molecular Diagnostic Lab and are also working to develop a test to detect antibodies of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 virus in blood. Read the appeal from Jacqueline Kimmey, Professor of Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology.